I was working the customer service desk today (closing shift), when I noticed a notebook in the trash. Not just any notebook, but a Moleskine to be precise. CJ (who was working customer service desk midshift) had decided to clean out the Lost & Found box and threw it out, as it had been there quite a few months.
“Dude, why are you throwing that out?”
“Cause it’s been in there like forever.”
Anthony flips through it, sees only the first three pages are written on.
“I’ll take it, then, if you’re gonna toss it.”
“Take it, take it home then.”
I put it in my apron and leave it there the rest of the day.
As I was waiting at the North & Clybourn Red Line stop, I give it a look through, see what’s in it. Just some random notes of this and that. “Co-op meeting.” “Clean out juicer and use it.” Random quotes of what looks like are conversations overheard.
Anyone who has ever used a moleskine would know of the little pocket in the back that proves very, very useful. I have a look into that and find a scrap piece of paper with an address and lotto numbers, and $10.
Woohoo. Ant is $10 richer, and has a moleskine. CJ, you really should watch what it is you’re throwing away so hastily.