Yesterday marked the arrival of my package in the mail, my package wrapping tightly within its confines 3rd Bed issues 1 through 10, Stories in the Worst Way by Gary Lutz, The False Sun Recordings by James Wagner, and (strangely) another copy of Motorman by David Ohle. This occasion (the books’ arrival) was celebrated by a thorough experiencing of ecstasy by this young man Anthony. He has read a great deal of Stories in the Worst Way already, and its beauty, though itself of words, is beyond words. A great experience also was voraciously reading through the thin volume that is 3rd Bed #1. Outstanding, though I am glad to see the issues have since nearly tripled in thickness and, somehow beyond my comprehension, the quality raised by a power of infinity. It had quite a significant quality to begin with (Charles Baudelaire being among those included in its pages).
Today marked the arrival of another package – Morrissey’s new album, Ringleader of the Tormentors. I am not worthy of describing its greatness with mere words.